Charlottesville Food Not Bombs
Charlottesville Food Not Bombs distributions are every Wednesday at 6:15pm at IX art park. 522 2nd St SE D, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Charlottesville Food Not Bombs is a nonprofit organization that stands against all forms of violence and for spreading the Spirit of Caring and Sharing (Spirit of Community) in the world. We do this by sharing freely food that is freely shared with us in ways that build Community.
We are an all-volunteer organization. We welcome new volunteers, to help with pickups of food donations, transport of food to our distribution site, or help at the distribution site. To sign up as a Food Not Bombs volunteer visit our contact us page.
To make a donation to Charlottesville Food Not Bombs email us at
To join our group email list and be apprised of anything new with Food Not Bombs, visit our contact us page.